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Your baby’s first cry is music to my ears” – Dr. Suma PrasadPrasad infertility solutions is a one-stop solution for treating male and female infertility issues. The clinical team at Prasad Infertility solutions focuses on IVF, male infertility and genetics.The team has strong research focus and a hub for innovations in the field of reproductive medicine. There are scientists and clinicians working in tandem to ensure that the mother gives birth to a healthy baby.Dr. Suma Prasad and team has a very high success rate in this field given the support of research and collaborations.Our LegacyPrasad Infertility Solutions under the supervision of Dr. K. Suma Prasad, MD., DGO established in 2008 in Street no.4, KPHB.Male Infertility:Male infertility refers to a male's inability to cause pregnancy in a fertile female. It accounts for about 40–50% of infertility. It affects approximately 7% of all men. Male infertility is commonly due to deficiencies in the semen, and semen quality is used as a surrogate measure of male fecundity. Medication can treat some issues that affect male fertility, including hormone imbalances and erectile dysfunction. Surgery can be effective for repairing blockages in the tubes that transport sperm. Surgery can also be used for repair of varicocele. If you are experiencing symptoms of male infertility, or if you and your partner have been trying to conceive with no success for at least six months, schedule a consultation with our specialists who specializes in the treatment of this condition.We have a very specialized team of doctors who deal Male Infertility from the minutest of the problems to a highly complex condition. Our utmost care gives the best possible results to our patients. Why choose us:-Unique skills of counseling and solution finding-Sate of Art Andrology and IVF lab-Quick approach to your problem (accessible doctors, lab and ultrasound)-Expert reproductive endocrinology specialist to consult for both male and female partners under one roof-Peaceful ambience-Confidentiality-Resource centre with animations. The clinical team at Prasad Infertility solutions focuses on IVF, male infertility and genetics.The team has strong research focus and a hub for innovations in the field of reproductive medicine.

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